
Gather ’round kiddies, ladies and gents; respectable people of the planet Earth. Gather one, gather all for the show is about to begin. There will be laughing and singing, dancing and lolly-gagging. Some music, drinks o’ plenty, and maybe clowns will be there too! Then again perhaps not… after all, this is not really the circus, now is it?

However, you did come here looking for something, did you not? But what exactly that is…nay, I cannot say for certain. Only you know the real answer to that one. Then again, maybe you have no clue either. Maybe you came here as just a way of killing time? Perhaps you were just curious? You do know what they say about curiosity? Feeling lucky? Perchance, I might be able to help you find what it is you seek.

It is possible…in truth highly likely, that I can indeed help you. Now, now, don’t assume I say this through some misguided sense of arrogance. One should never assume.  Assumptions often do more harm than good and lead us down the wrong path, in the long run. I made the statement based off of the simple and clear information that lies before us. You found your way here and there must be a reason for this. If you don’t know the reason, then chances are I might be helpful. See how easy it was to get there without any assumptions or misconceptions? Often the truth, of any particular matter, is staring us right in the face.

Speaking of truths, it might be about high time that I spill some of that. But one cannot just lay down truth. It must be carefully placed with a loving and gentle hand. Truth is indeed a double-edged sword and we don’t need to have any dead bodies lying around on this page. At least not this early on, we want to keep people reading, right?

In the early days of my life, I was a bad boy. I’d be lying if I said I don’t have my moments even to this day. At any rate, I guess we all have them moments, but when I was young, I was constantly in those moments. The world and people in general, were not too kind to me, so I at some point decided, that I was not going to take anymore and started giving back what I received. I will not now, or ever, advocate this as a way of going about your life. It leads down a very dark path that is filled with many real life terrors you might never imagine.

It did have one strange side effect I would have never imagined. It affected the way I do things and that includes writing. Let me make this clear one more time though, I ain’t saying that you should do any bad things, in order to improve or change your writing. I am just speaking the outcome of it for me.

As long as I can remember I have always been a writer. I’ll admit there were times when it fell by the wayside as many of our dreams do, when we walk down the wrong paths, but I never forgot and I never completely gave it up. For the longest time though, it was one of those things you did when you had nothing better to do. Certain events came to pass that changed that. Changed it for good and changed it forever.

These events led me here; typing this page for you to read. Perhaps they might have some meaning for you also. Who knows? It is altogether possible you simply came here to find pleasure in an old man rambling.

Death can come to us when we least expect it, although it is my belief, we often welcome it in without even realizing it. But it can come when we don’t expect and when it does it has this really great effect on us. We wake up! Yep, that is what it does. It slaps you upside your head and says wake up or die asleep. For me that was an easy choice. I want to see death coming. Yes indeed! I want to see death coming, look into his eyes, and give him the finger.

After seeing death arrive, in the form of a couple of deaths and one of my very own organs, I woke up. Like someone had just thrown cold coffee in my face. With newly alert eyes and mind, I once more took up the proverbial pen and began to write. With a renewed sense of importance, the art of writing has once again moved to the top of what I must do.

What I must do and what you want, may not always be exactly the same, but it’s certainly my genuine hope and desire that you find enjoyment from most of it. Please make yourself comfortable and feel free to add any thoughts about what you have read here. While I might not always agree with your vision, I will always appreciate your effort.


   J.B. Thomas

1 thought on “About”

  1. I have only read a couple things, but I love your writing so far! I will be back for more! I signed up for the email subscription too! I’m looking forward to read more!

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